Thursday, July 2, 2009






Spent the last weekend at Flea Titan.It was an awesome experience and a fun filled day for the all of us even though the air conditioning did not work very well and we that experienced some hiccups with the layout of our stall and only managed to start operating our stall till much later.I was hot sweaty and was very unglam.
However, I managed to make $500 in the end.I still cannot figure out how I made so much.I guess must be the shoes.
I thank all those lovely babies who came down to support.It was so nice to see all of you and to earn your money! I have discussed it with Bella and we are going to sell drinks and food during the next around because I bet we will definitely make much more.
I went back again on sunday because I did not manage to shop on saturday and I happily spent a fifth of my money away. Sunday was not as awesome because I did not have a stall but shopping really made my day.
Met KW afterwards and I guess I might really have the devil in me.I psychoed him into spending $160.It is bad that I shop so much and now I am constantly encouraging people to buy as well.
TSK bad girl!

Things that I have bought in the last 4 days:
AA inspired mess dress
Brown oxfords
Scarletroom top
Topshop button down asymmetrical tank
Topshop blue/white stripped cropped tee
Topshop floral cropped tank
Fringe Tank
F21 leopard tank

I think I just contributed to the economy by spending all the money I made at the flea.
It is okay though cause fleaflyflofun is at the end of the month.I can make my money back then :)

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