Friday, August 7, 2009

Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes.

I had so much fun today! The steamboat soup was so damn tasty,I enjoyed my fish-balls and crab meat stick.
Taboo was fun too.My all time favorite game.
I love buddy so much. He is so playful and adorable that I can feel my heart melting.
Sweet little boy.Awww.
The cakes were nice and I now have topshop vouchers to spend :)
My mum and sister are going to contribute and get me more vouchers.
Awesome right?

I am craving for curry puff,chicken rice and pasta now.
I know this is damn random.

But anyways,this is a quote from my daily christian calendar

August 7th
No sorrow is too deep that God cannot feel it with us. And God wants to help deliver us from it.
M.F Powers

O my comforter in my sorrow,my heart is faint within me
Jeremiah 8:18

How appropriate.

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