Wednesday, May 27, 2009

               This was damn yummy

Dim sum with Jorene and rongs at the stall near my house for lunch. The Siew mai and the fried prawn dumplings were superb! The fried meat dumplings sucked though. The meat was blackish and it had a weird taste.
The thought of having to studying later just kills me.What the hell is psychology enquiry anyway? Studying is probably going to be a waste of time since I bet we are going to be tested on stuff that cannot be found in the book.
It  does not make any sense to me. Can life be any worse? It could be luh but I am still in the holiday mood and shopping is the only thing on my mind.
Seriously,I am not going to take summer semester next year.
I swear.

OMG! Ohsofickle updating tonight! at 8p.m I saw something that I want already :)))

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